Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Yahoo! Award Women with Dollars to Start Businesses
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sites for Women over 40 - My point exactly!
I have visited the site a couple of times and as yet haven't been wooed into WoWoW. The site is pretty sparse of real content as it appears to be dependent upon questions being posted by the site and is then riding on comments from viewers, and an editorial style comment on the comments. Also the design of the site seems to be lacking (see attached graphic)- it seems a mash of styles with whitespace and times-roman font - however that could be me having a browser problem. Must make a note to check it out in a different browser.
I think the founders are correctly identifying a niche that needs a substantial filling but I'm not convinced that this site is the site that's going to do it. The backers have put in $1M, and they have some ad-support from Citi and Tiffany, but not sure that will do it, according to a blog post.
Take a look at WoWoW and tell me what you think of the site? Future hit site or flop?
Finally a Quick Moment!
A Girlie Gadget that's not Pink

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Angels Watching Out for Women

The article goes on to identify some venture capital firms in the Seattle areas that are particularly strong players in supporting women owned businesses - often these are women investors. The author asks whether the issue comes from women not starting up businesses or whether they are not getting funded. A postive data point highlighted was the number of female investors is up 23% since 2005. So let's hope this will lead to a positive cycle in business.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Finding Women Who Tech

Good luck to them in achieving their mission.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
SheZoom! it's kinda YouTube for Women

I also saw an article on nutrition which was an expert asking questions and quizzing the viewer on what they knew about nutrition in food.
Now this site is still in it's beta phase and quality of content is going to be critical to the site. The question is whether women are going to step up to provide content to this female community. So far the research suggests women are more consumers of video content than creators of YouTube types of video, however may be there are some budding broadcasters out there who are looking for the right supportive venue to get started in saying something. It will be interesting to see if the site can gain critical mass of followers and content creators to be successful.
SheZoom's founder is Stacey Artandi. I will return to the site in a month to see how it's doing.
Yahoo Shine on Women

Reviewers of the site are skeptical of the strategy as it is a portal that carries breadth over depth and reviewers think women have moved more in a depth way with access to RSS readers for blog feeds, and customization of portal sites already.
At first peek I'm not sure what to make of it, may be the image of underwear (or as a brit, I can say, Knickers) flying in the breeze on a clothes line isn't the opening conversation I would expect. The layout of the page is clean in that 'Simple' magazine style.
Bottom line for me is applauding Yahoo for trying to join the dots between women and business success, and raising awareness that whoever gets the strategy and execution right will be on a path to success.