I am excited to see groups like Women 2.0 get established to support women in the development of ideas and the nuturing of startups. To quote the quote on their site, “every day, 420 women go out and start their own businesses — twice the rate at which men do so. And these businesses are growing revenue, profits and jobs faster than business as a whole.” — Margaret Heffernan, Forbes.com." - there is tremendous innovation going on by women, and why shouldn't more of it be in the technology sector? I've watched panels on blogs such as Y-pulse that highlight CEOs who are barely out of school (both male and female), the cost of initial entry into a web-based business is so low that fledgling sites can exist and refine themselves before the big costs hit. More women need to embrace the lower cost of entry and give it a try.
Women 2.0 has Pitch 2008 coming up. This is an opportunity to network and get feedback on your napkin ideas - what are you waiting for? Take a moment to submit your idea, and make it more than a mental moment, what's the worst that can happen?
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